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  • Writer's pictureJimmy

Second Civil War on the Horizon?

Updated: Aug 7, 2023

This weekend in Montgomery, Alabama, a group of white men attacked a black river boat worker due to a misunderstanding over docking.

Pictures show black men rushing to his aid throwing hands with a group of white men.

Looks like something out of a civil war movie.

Historically, political ideologies, whether left-wing or right-wing, have contributed to conflicts, including World War II.

So this begs the question, will we experience a second civil war?

Trump is likely going to be the next president and I predict riots in the streets and burnings of the American flag.

Here are a few reasons YFM Sports think we maybe seeing another civil war.

Extreme Ideologies: Radical ideologies on either end of the political spectrum can become dogmatic, leading to intolerance and a willingness to use force to impose their beliefs.

Economic Disparities: Economic inequality and resource competition can fuel tensions and nationalism, which may escalate into conflicts.

Nationalism and Populism: Nationalistic and populist movements might exploit societal grievances and promote aggressive foreign policies, potentially leading to confrontation.

Expansionism: Ambitions for territorial expansion and dominance can drive countries towards aggressive actions.

Historical Rivalries: Historical animosities between nations can resurface due to political ideologies, creating a hostile environment.

All of these factors are occurring right now in America and we should all be scared.

What do y'all thing?

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