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  • Writer's pictureJimmy

Noah Lyles' doesn’t watch the NBA: When Sports Insights Go Off the Court

Alright, folks, grab your popcorn 'cause we're diving into a little sports chit-chat that's got us scratching our heads and chuckling at the same time. Noah Lyles, Olympic sprinting sensation, recently dropped a line that's got us wondering if he's dabbling in some wacky stuff. He basically said he can't wrap his head around how the NBA finals crowns a world champion. Wait, what?

Now, before you think he's just taking a jog on Cloud 9, let's be real – there's some stupidity sprinkled in there. It's like hearing someone say they don't understand why pizza's a hit at a party. Yeah, dude, that's kinda how it works.

But here's the kicker: this guy's claim just smacks of someone who's never watched a game in their life.

You can practically see the "I-don't-watch-sports" badge pinned to his chest. Here's the thing – the last five MVPs in the NBA? International stars. We're talking Giannis from Greece, Jokic from Serbia, and the list goes on. The NBA's been globetrotting since the '80s, and it's all about that international flavor. Players from across the map bring their A-game to the court, making it a worldwide phenomenon.

Remember Tim Duncan? Bahamas. Tony Parker? France. These dudes aren't just NBA champs; they're world stage legends. And hey, let's clear the court – just 'cause you're in love with football doesn't mean basketball's on your radar. Not everyone's got the remote control to all sports channels.

Now, Lyles, here's the deal – your comments? They're like a slam dunk gone way off target. And guess what? Leave that stuff to us casual fans who like to think we're armchair experts. Let's keep the court of opinions full of folks who've actually got a bit of skin in the game – the kind who know a three-pointer from a touchdown. Until then, we'll keep cheering on, one popcorn kernel at a time.

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Aug 28, 2023

This is like when Raven Symone said she’s not African American cause she’s not from Africa. This is black people thinking that “thinking out side of the box” makes you smarter than the others. Don’t worry, black Twix (twitter/X) gone get him in order. And if not, hopefully the others will except him.

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