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  • Writer's pictureWayne

Let a Mitch Glitch!

Aight so its been a while since I've been able to make a video, so I decided to make a verbal one. I got a new rant. I'm sick and tired of everyone talking about Mitch McConnell and his....malfunctioning. In a time where everyone comes out the womb ready to go to therapy, we still have those who make fun of the ones that still need help. Mitch is one of those people. We should find it in our hearts to be more understanding of his possible ailment and be not rush to judgement...or something like that. To help you neanderthals see it in a different light and to stop you from guessing, I've comprised 5 reasons why Mitch McConnell has been acting not himself recently. After you read these reasons, call your mother and tell her you're sorry for making fun of the elderly.

5. Dumb Questions. The most recent malfunction video shows a reporter asking him if he's going to run again. Of course he's gonna run again! You think death is gonna stop this decrepit old whippersnapper from being in office?? Hells 2 Da Naw! Think about it, how annoyed do you get when someone ask you stupid ass questions?? Annoys the hell outta you, dont it? You just look at them with that look....and keep your mouth shut. Just like Mitch.

4. He's reminiscing. You cant stop your brain from braining. Your brain can think of crazy memories from the past in the middle of anywhere. And I think thats what happened here. Now, what was he thinking about, is another question. I personally believe he was reliving the life altering moment when Hannibal Lecter ate his face. You can understand how that would take over your whole way of thinking.And on top of that, he survived.

3. "Aw, shit...did I take that chicken outta the freezer??

2. He's thinking of an answer. It takes some people a little more time to process the question. Add that on to the fact that he and the Grim Reaper went on a Caribbean cruise. You gotta give the dude the Jeopardy theme song to answer the question.

1. He's taking a Shit! Dont it piss you off when people bother you when you in the bathroom!? I'm willing to bet my life that he has a diaper on. At all times! If you watch that video, Mitch's handlers had to end the interview abruptly, to take him to the executive bathroom, because they knew they had a problem on their hands. And when you gotta go, you gotta go. Dont matter if you talking to Congress or not.

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